


  1. 自收到款项之日起 10 日内接受换货。请提供收据。所有换货将通过电子邮件在马来西亚观音亭福利基金悲店处理 [email protected]
  2. 恕不退款。


如果您打算交换您在在马来西亚观音亭福利基金店购买的商品,请通过电子邮件[email protected]  与我们联系。

*有缺陷的商品:如果您收到的商品有缺陷,请在收到之日起 10 天内联系 [email protected]





邮箱:[email protected] 电话:+6018-9881866

营业时间:上午 10 点至下午 5 点




  1. 我们感谢您对我们组织的捐赠和支持。所有捐款均不可退还且不可撤销。
  2. 如果您在捐款时犯了真正的错误或改变了对我们组织捐款的想法,请在捐款 (3) 天后与我们联系,我们将考虑您的请求。我们的决定是绝对的。如果有任何退款(仅在特殊情况下):
    1. 与捐赠和/或退款有关的所有服务/处理费用或费用应全部由捐赠人承担,并将从退款金额中扣除;和
    2. 使用原始付款方式退还退款。如果您通过信用卡捐款,您的退款将记入同一张信用卡。


  1. 持续的支持对于我们的项目和使命的持续运行很重要,因此我们鼓励捐助者随着时间的推移继续为我们的使命和项目做出贡献。但如果您必须取消定期捐款,请立即致电 +603-77831866 或发送电子邮件至  [email protected] 通知我们
  2. 任何经常性捐赠的取消将仅在捐赠者收到我们的取消确认电子邮件后生效,此后自动扣除将停止。在捐赠人收到取消确认电子邮件之前进行的任何自动扣款均不予退还。

Good Refund Policy

Exchange & Refund Policies

  1. Exchanges will be accepted within 10 days from the date of receipt in saleable condition. Please provide receipt. All exchanges will be processed via email at Kwan Inn Teng Foundation Store Malaysia [email protected]
  2. We regret that no refund will be made.

How to Exchange

  • Please contact us by e-mail [email protected] if you have intention to exchange an item you purchased from Kwan Inn Teng Foundation Store Malaysia
  • *Defective Item: If you received the item you bought is defective, please contact  [email protected] in within 10 days from the date of receipt.
  • *Note: The delivery cost of returning and exchanged item(s) will be borne by customer.

Defective Item

If you find the item you bought is defective, please contact us by e-mail so that we can arrange an exchange of the item.

Fulfilment Centre
E-mail:  [email protected] Tel: 018-9881866
Operation Hours: 10.00am to 5.00pm
(Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays)

Donation Refund Policy

Donation Refund Policy

  1. We are grateful for your donation and support of our organization. All donations are non-refundable and irrevocable.
  2. If you have made a genuine error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to our organization, please contact us (3) days of your donation and we will consider your request. Our decision shall be absolute. In the event of any refund (in exceptional cases only):
    1. All service/processing charges or fees incurred in connection with the donation and/or refund shall be borne entirely by the donor and will be deducted from the amount to be refunded; and
    2. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to the same credit card.

Automated Recurring Donation Cancellation

  1. Ongoing support is important to enable continuous run of our projects and mission, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute to our mission and projects over time. But if you must cancel your recurring donation, please notify us immediately by calling +603-77831866 or emailing [email protected]
  2. A cancellation of any recurring donation will only take effect upon the donor receiving a confirmation of cancellation email from us, and automatic deduction will stop after that. Any automatic deductions made prior to the donor’s receipt of such confirmation of cancellation email shall not be refunded.