韩国面 Korean Noodle

Korean Noodle

材料A :高汤
玉米 1条
沙葛 1 粒
白菜 数片
红萝卜 1 条
冬菇 2 朵
白味噌 适量
黑味噌 适量

青瓜 半条(切幼片加少许盐腌片 刻去水)
苹果醋 2汤匙
糖 2茶匙
海带 适量

韩国面 1 包
杏鲍菇 适量(撕开慢火煎香加入盐 和胡椒粉)
番茄 适量(切幼)
豆腐卜 适量(切幼)
鲍鱼菇 适量(撕开慢火煎香加入盐 和胡椒粉)
冬菇 适量(将煮成高汤后的冬菇 切幼)
生菜 适量(切幼)
白芝麻 适量


  1. 将材料A倒入半煲水熬成高汤备用。
  2. 将材料B搅拌均匀,腌至片刻成青瓜海
  3. 将韩国面条烫熟,加入适量材料C,倒入高汤即可,配上青瓜海带腌醋或泡菜,即可享用。

Ingredients A: (Soap Stock)
1 sweet corn
1 carrot
1 yambean
2 mushroom
Slices of cabbage
Some white miso
Some black miso

Ingredients B: (Pickled cucumber And kelp)

½ cucumber (cut into small pieces and marinade with salt for a while & remove water)
2 tbsp apple cider
2 tsp sugar
Some kelp

Ingredients C:
1 packet Korean noodle
Some king oyster mushroom (tear into pieces & fried with salt and pepper under low heat)
Some tomatoes (cut into pieces)
Some tofu puff (cut into pieces)
Some abalone mushroom (tear into pieces & fried with salt and pepper under low heat)
Some mushroom (Cut the mushroom that have been boiled into broth)
Some lettuce (Cut into pieces)
Some white sesame


  1. Boil ingredients A with half pot of water to make soup stock.
  2. Mix & stir well ingredients B. Marinade for a while and set aside.
  3. Blanch Korean noodle, add ingredients C & pour in soap stock.
    Serve with pickle cucumber & kelp.

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